Pip and Zip

Our Farm Friends
Our Farm Friends are local people we meet, fellow chicken wranglers, homesteads, chicken math wizards, small local farms, plant nurseries and even other hatcheries. Without farms we have no food, local food sometimes is hard to find. I hope you visit our Farm Friends! They are great people with great things to offer. Why would we plug the competition? It is because they are great people! Check them out!
Want to be added? Message us!
Location: Havana,Florida
Social Media:

Free Spirit Acres
Located in Wakulla County this farm provides rabbits, chicken and quail chicks, hatching eggs and goats. Chickens are free ranged on a regular schedule and the chicks are superior quality. Often Free Spirit Acres teams up with Pip and Zip at pop-up events located in North Florida.
Location: Crawfordville, Florida
Social Media:
Social Media:
Social Media:

Chocolate Turkey
Bourbon Turkey
Royal Palm Turkey
Rhode Island Reds
Telephone: 850-569-5269 Text or Call

Looking for a friendly local feed store? Here it is! They carry Kalmbach feed!! Great for chickens and gamebirds. Stop in and tell them we sent you! Locally owned. Sometimes they carry chicks check their Facebook and Instagram for updates on their shipments.